Judith Khneysser zeigte den US-Künstler Chad Attie

Collagen dominierten die Ausstellung: 1. – 24. Sept. 2022

Chad Attie’s work explores how history and memory shape the individual psyche in the present moment and suffuse the deeper structures we live in.

The stories he tells in paintings, drawings, ceramics, sculpture, film, and photography explore the residual effects of trauma and how is seeps into the framework of our lives, depicting people, landscapes, and homes that have been permanently scarred by the past.

“Throughout my life, a major influence was the work of the painter Chaim Soutine, whose volatile – sometimes terrifying – compositions, raw brushstrokes and dynamic use of color had a lasting impact on me. Soutine’s brutal truthfulness, mixed with the emotional honesty I admire in Russian literature, laid the foundations for my own approach to difficult subjects such as personal relationships and family dynamics. Michail Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” in particular became a touchstone for the way it enriched such storytelling with satire, absurdity, and humor.

“Eulogies” comprises a series of 24 films and prints based on multi-layered collages, each of which explores the story of a man or a woman whose history the viewer can excavate from the dense layering or images they represent. In these works, collaged images are placed one on top of each other, partially obscuring or reframing those underneath, as hopes, losses, loves, and regrets are reshaped by memory.